Take the Cyclothymia Test to check if you have this mental disorder. The test’s 7 items covers the main symptoms of cyclothymic disorder. 


Cyclothymic Disorder Test
Instructions: Please read the statements listed below. Answer each item that you believe more accurately describes your condition in the last 2 years

1. I’m a moody person
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Partly agree
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree

2. When I’m in a good spirit, I could describe my mood as:
  • I just feel good
  • I’m happy
  • I’m very happy
  • I feel ecstatic and jubilant

3. When I feel energetic, I could describe my condition as:
  • I feel a bit more energetic than usual
  • I feel significantly more energetic than usual
  • I feel much more energetic than I usually am
  • I feel extremely energetic

4. When I feel energetic, I could describe my sleeping as:
  • I sleep as much as I normally do
  • I sleep a bit less than I usually do, but it doesn’t have negative impact on my activity level
  • I sleep markedly less than I usually do, but I don’t feel tired or sleepy during the daytime
  • I sleep much less than I usually do, and still feel energetic and fresh during the daytime
  • I stay awake almost 24 hours a day, and it doesn’t affect me at all

5. When I’m not in a good mood, I could describe my mood as:
  • I feel just a bit blue
  • I feel down, but still, in general, it’s more or less ok
  • I feel markedly down
  • I feel very depressed

6. When I’m not in a good mood, I could describe my interests in life as:
  • I feel that I enjoy less the things I use to take pleasure in
  • I feel like I’m in no mood to do the things I usually enjoy
  • Most of the things lose their appeal to me
  • I’m not interested in anything

7. When I’m not in a good mood, I could describe my perception of the future as:
  • I believe that eventually everything will be all right
  • I think that I still have some hopes for the future
  • I don’t believe that my life will change for the better
  • I’m sure that everything will be even worse in the future