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The Passive-Aggressive Test is based on the diagnostic criteria of Passive-aggressive Personality Disorder (PAPD). The online self-test covers the main signs of the behavioral disturbance. Being passive aggressive could be not merely an adverse reaction but a telltale symptom of the specific personality disorder, listed as a diagnosis in the standard classification of mental disorders. People with passive-aggressive personality don’t usually involve themselves in open fights, but prefer various ways to indirectly express their hostility. Such a constant covert aggression poisons and disrupt their relationships. The most significant behavioral patents of passive-aggressive personality include acting sullen, claiming forgetfulness to avoid responsibility, being inefficient and procrastinating on purpose, and resisting other people's suggestions. Blaming others, frequent complaining, constant feeling resentment, having unexpressed anger or hostility, and fear of authority are also common symptoms.
If you suspect that you frequently behave in a passive-aggressive way, take the test for a preliminary assessment. The test result will indicate whether you need further examination and counseling. Professional counseling could substantially help to improve your relationship. If you already are undergoing therapy, you can use the test regularly to track your progress in the treatment phase.